Case Study: Botany Rail Duplication and Cabramatta Rail Loop Projects

Images for Business was engaged by the Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) and John Holland to document the construction and opening of the Botany Rail Duplication (BRD) and Cabramatta Rail Loop (CRL), both part of the Southern Sydney Freight Line.

The combined projects were commissioned in February 2024 and are expected to significantly improve freight capacity and help reduce the number of trucks on Sydney roads.


Documenting the Cabramatta Rail Loop and Botany Rail Duplication Projects

With the addition of a new rail track, the CRL increases rail freight capacity on the Southern Sydney Freight Line, allowing freight trains travelling in either direction to pass each other.

Images for Business documented its construction using video and stills.


For the Botany Rail Duplication, Images for Business documented its construction life span using time-lapse, stills, and video.


Time-lapse for the Botany Rail Duplication

Images for Business’ time-lapse camera systems are flexible enough to shoot for years at a time while simultaneously shooting in short bursts, depending on the activity.

For the BRD, several long-term time-lapse cameras were set up for two years to capture construction milestones and the opening event. The footage delivered a seamless overall timeline of the project, showing its evolution while focusing on important milestone moments.

The time-lapse cameras also captured the first trains going over the newly constructed bridges while set to fast interval capture. The result was outstanding footage of the milestone that told a visually engaging story.

Time-lapse proves to be a powerful communication format. For the Botany Rail Duplication, we tailored footage capture and final output to focus on points of interest. Long-term change was turned into engaging short films and sharable clips at precisely the right pace for the audience.

The video below captures a milestone moment of interest – the removal and replacement of the O’Riordan St Bridge, with the first train going over the newly constructed bridge.

Significant organisation is required to deliver outstanding time-lapse imagery. Some of these factors include monitoring the captured images, maintaining equipment, and making timing adjustments to capture significant milestone events in greater detail, such as the lifting of a bridge, installation of sleepers and track or the end project in operation.


Project Highlights

One of the most significant milestone moments of the BRD project was when the first trains were due to use the newly constructed bridges for the very first time.

This was an extremely time-sensitive moment that couldn’t be missed, so meticulous planning was needed to capture it.

We positioned four skilled and experienced photographers and videographers at different locations across the BRD alignment to capture the event.

Images for Business also captured the media event, the official ribbon cutting, footage of the new tracks, including from the driver’s perspective inside the train cabin, and statements from Government Ministers.


The first train crossing the new bridge over Southern Cross Drive


All elements were delivered quickly and with high technical standards suitable for all broadcast media channels and online formats. The footage appeared on news networks that evening and in official communications.


Rail Safety Requirements

Images for Business is well acquainted with safety compliance requirements specific to the rail industry. All photographers and videographers have completed the necessary “Rail Industry Worker Induction”, which is a comprehensive process.

Additional inductions are required before the crew is allowed to step on-site. These include a project induction and a site induction.

The Cabramatta Rail Loop project posed safety challenges due to its narrow work site within the existing rail corridor. This limitation required Images for Business to work nimbly, and safely whilst keeping clear of the significant works in progress.

To maximise safety compliance, our photographers and videographers travelled light using sling bags and straps to move within each project section without having to manoeuvre cases or heavy equipment around the site.

We have vast experience in the rail sector. This really sets us apart from others and gives our clients confidence in our ability to deliver the project requirements while being cognisant of safety and ensuring that the construction process is not interrupted. Our team integrated seamlessly with ARTC and John Holland for the Botany Rail Duplication and Cabramatta Rail Loop projects. Our job is not only to deliver incredible footage for our clients but also to make their lives easier while doing it.”

Toby Shain, General Manager, Images for Business.


Images in communications and marketing continue to outpace all other forms of content. We’re here to help. Book a free imaging consultation and unleash the value of images in your business.


Traffic passing under the newly constructed O'Riordan Bridge, Botany Rail Duplication Project